The Minor Planet Bulletin

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The Minor Planet Bulletin is the journal for almost all amateurs and even some professionals for publishing asteroid photometry results, including lightcurves, H-G parameters, color indexes, and shape/spin axis models. It is considered to be a refereed journal by the SAO/NASA ADS. All MPB papers are indexed in the ADS.

Print subscriptions are no longer available to individuals. Institutions (e.g., college libraries) can still obtain print copies via a special subscription. See details in MPB 37-4 or contact the editor, Richard Binzel.

Annual voluntary contributions of $5.00 or more in support of the publication are welcome.
Please send a check, drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. funds, to "Minor Planet Bulletin" and send it to:

Minor Planet Bulletin
c/o Melissa Hayes-Gehrke
UMD Astronomy Department
1113 PSC Bldg 415
College Park, MD 20742

Authors Guide and Word Templates   (v.3.0: updated 2024 February 2)
The ZIP file contains the Authors Guide PDF as well as a "starter" paper in Word 2007+ (DOTX).
Those using Word 97 (DOC/DOT) are encouraged to download OpenOffice and convert their files to the most recent Word format (DOCX).
Please read this updated guide since there are a number of changes from previous guides.
  • A new, optional, table is available for those wanting to include physical and discovery information
    in a more accessible way.
    See the announcement in Minor Planet Bulletin 51-2.
  • The Pts column is no longer required and has been removed from the template for the standard table
    to allow more room for the other columns.
  • The phase column should have only two values: for the first and last date in the range.
    If the phase reaches an extrema between those dates, put an asterisk before the first value. For example,
  • Use semicolons to separate names in the references section. For example:
       Smith, J.J.; Jones, A.A. (2019).
    This also applies if using several references to the same author in the text. For example:
    "This asteroid was observed at three previous apparitions (Jones, 2015; 2017; 2018)..."

Cumulative Index to Volumes 1-45
Cumulative Asteroid Lightcurve Index (Volumes 1 through 51-2)

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Issues for the upcoming quarter-year are released on about the 21st of March, June, September, and December. Full issues and individual papers from vol 1 (1973) to present are available via links on this page.

Important: If the ADS bibcode and "Download PDF" links are missing for the latest issue, it is because the ADS has not processed the files. The links will be made available after the ADS processes the files.
If the "Download PDF" link is visible and there is no PDF available, clicking the link will download an arbitrary page. We are working with ADS to make sure all papers are available and, if not, being able to diasable the link. The "Download Full Issue" link does retrieve the correct file.

Vol 1-7 run Jul-Jun. Vol 8-present run Jan-Dec. Only papers indexed in the ADS are included. Earlier volumes often contain more papers than listed here. It's recommended to download the full issue in vol 1-9.

Volume 52 (2025)

Volume 51 (2024)

Volume 50 (2023)

Volume 49 (2022)

Volume 48 (2021)

Volume 47 (2020)

Volume 46 (2019)

Volume 45 (2018)

Volume 44 (2017)

Volume 43 (2016)

Volume 42 (2015)

Volume 41 (2014)

Volume 40 (2013)

Volume 39 (2012)

Volume 38 (2011)

Volume 37 (2010)

Volume 36 (2009)

Volume 35 (2008)

Volume 34 (2007)

Volume 33 (2006)

Volume 32 (2005)

Volume 31 (2004)

Volume 30 (2003)

Volume 29 (2002)

Volume 28 (2001)

Volume 27 (2000)

Volume 26 (1999)

Volume 25 (1998)

Volume 24 (1997)

Volume 23 (1996)

Volume 22 (1995)

Volume 21 (1994)

Volume 20 (1993)

Volume 19 (1992)

Volume 18 (1991)

Volume 17 (1990)

Volume 16 (1989)

Volume 15 (1988)

Volume 14 (1987)

Volume 13 (1986)

Volume 12 (1985)

Volume 11 (1984)

Volume 10 (1983)

Volume 9 (1982)

Volume 8 (1981)

Volume 7 (1980)

Volumes 6-7 (1979)

Volumes 5-6 (1978)

Volumes 4-5 (1977)

Volumes 3-4 (1976)

Volumes 2-3 (1975)

Volumes 1-2 (1974)

Volume 1 (1973)

Issue 51-3 (2024 Jul-Sep)
Download Full Issue

Show abstracts

A New Optional Table and Updated MS Word© Templates For MPB Papers
Pages 209-210
Warner, Brian D.

General Report of Position Observations by the Alpo Minor Planets Section for the Year 2023
Pages 210-211
Pilcher, Frederick

Call for Observations of the Patroclus and Menoetius Mutual Events: Support for the NASA Lucy Mission to the Trojan Asteroids
Pages 212
Binzel, Richard P.

300 Geraldina: Possibly a Binary With a Tilted Rotational Axis
Pages 213-214
Romanishin, W.

Lightcurve and Rotation Period of 703 Noemi
Pages 215-216
Pilcher, Frederick; Hawley, Wayne; Wiggins, Patrick; Leyland, Paul C.; McCormick, Jennie; Genebriera, Joan; Armstrong, James D.; Kardasis, Emmanuel (Manos); Arnold, Steven; Haymes, Tim; Privett, Grant J.; Noschese, Alfonso; Catapano, Antonio; Di Dato, Andrea; D'Avino, Luca

The Rotation Period of 740 Cantabia is Re-Examined
Pages 217-218
Pilcher, Frederick; Stephens, Robert D.

The Ambiguous Rotation Period of 805 Hormuthia is Solved by a Global Collaboration of Observers
Pages 219-220
Pilcher, Frederick; Benishek, Vladimir; Oey, Julian; Franco, Lorenzo; Ruocco, Nello; Marchini, Alessandro

Lightcurves for L5 Trojan Asteroid (884) Priamus and Koronis Family Member (1443) Ruppina
Pages 221-222
Das, Niha; Wilkin, Francis P.; Zora, Dimitrios-Vasileios

Photometric Analysis for Koronis Family Asteroid (993) Moultona
Pages 223
Wright, Gavin; Doud, Hestia; Crowley, Eva Mae; Wilkin, Francis P.

V-Band Monitoring of 1083 Salvia
Pages 224-225
Bentz, Misty C.; Alahakone, Rachel; Albin, Edward; Brown, Ruel; Featherstone, Christopher; Hung, Delina; Kane, Colin; LaFountain, Matthew; Lange, Ryan; Miles, Luke; Shah, Yasmeen; Sharifi, Kayvon; Sulaiman, Ahmad Yazan; Tipton, Ben; Whyte, Christopher

Lightcurves And Solar Phase Coefficients for Koronis Family Member (1725) CrAO from Union College Observatory
Pages 225-226
Slivan, Stephen M.; Sindoni, Jason; Wilkin, Francis P.

Lightcurve and Rotation Period Analysis of 1429 Pemba and 14835 Holdridge
Pages 227-229
Hawley; W.; Miles, Richard; Wiggins, Patrick; McCormick, Jennie; Watkins, Americo; Armstrong, James D.; Kardasis, Emmanuel; Pilcher, Frederick; Arnold, Steven; Haymes, Timothy; Privett, Grant J.; Moss, Sidney

Determining the Rotational Period of Main-Belt Asteroid 19633 Rusjan
Pages 230
Bramardi, Noemi; Mascherpa; Sofia; Raviola, Alberto; Bonamico, Roberto

Photometry of PHA (349507) 2008 QY
Pages 231
Hutton, Lucas J.; Fieber-Beyer, Sherry

Binary System 6086 Vrchlicky
Pages 232-233
Franco, Lorenzo; Pravec, Petr; Benishek, Vladimir; Durkee, Russell; Buzzi, Luca; Calabrò, Michele; Galli, Gianni; Montigiani, Nico; Mannucci; Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo; Ruocco, Nello; Tombelli, Maura; Iozzi, Marco; Lombardo, Matteo; Scarfi, Giulio; Baj, Giorgio

Determining the Rotational Period of Main-Belt Asteroids 3704 Gaoshiqi and (16905) 1998 DT21
Pages 234-235
Mathias, Bodino; Samuele, Ribotta; Sofia, Ghinamo; Micol, Tomatis; Bonamico, Roberto

Lightcurves and Rotation Periods of 57 Mnemosyne, 58 Concordia, and 78 Diana
Pages 235-236
Pilcher, Frederick

Lightcurves of 3 Small Main-Belt Asteroids from February to April 2023
Pages 237-238
Lang, Kim

Photometry of 18 Asteroids from Sopot Astronomical Observatory: 2023 December – 2024 April
Pages 239-243
Benishek, Vladimir

Lightcurve Analysis for Three Main-belt, Three Near-Earth, and Two Mars-crosser Asteroids
Pages 244-247
Fornas, Gonzalo; Fornas, Álvaro; Huet, Fernando; Arce, Enrique; Barberá, Rafael; Mas, Vicente

Lightcurves and Rotation Periods of Asteroids 1033 Simona, 3100 Zimmerman, 4026 Beet, 10707 Prunariu, 13039 Awashima, 15817 Lucianotesi, 17855 Geffert, and (29826) 1999 DW6
Pages 248-250
Stone, Geoff

Lightcurves of Ten Asteroids
Pages 251-256
Dose, Eric V.

Photometric Observations of Asteroids 347 Pariana, 632 Pyrrha, 3067 Akhmatova and 8602 Oedicnemus
Pages 256-258
Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo; Pierguidi, Lorenzo

Analysis and Lightcurves of 22 Asteroids
Pages 259-263
Farfán, Rafael González; García de la Cuesta, Faustino; Martínez, Fernando Limón; Lorenz, Esteban Reina; Albá, Carlos Botana; Casal, Jesús Delgado; De Elías Cantalapiedra, Javier; Saura, Arturo Martín; Mañanes, Esteban Fernández; Ribes, Noelia Graciá; Fernández, Javier Ruiz; Fernández, José M.; Nogues, Ramón Naves; Santos Álamo, Francisco Manuel

Photometric Observations of Thirteen Minor Planets
Pages 264-268
Polakis, Tom

Photometric Observations and Analysis of Eight Asteroids
Pages 268-271
Galdies, Charles; Brincat, Stephen M.; Bucek, Marek; Grech, Winston

Asteroid Photometry and Lightcurves of Nine Asteroids
Pages 272-274
Colazo, Milagros; Santos, Francisco; Monteleone, Bruno; Aldinucci, Paolo; Ciancia, Giuseppe; Scotta, Damián; Suárez, Néstor; García, Alberto; Melia, Raúl; Morales, Mario; Montecchiari, Nicola; Speranza, Tiago; Colazo, Carlos

Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies Palmer Divide Station: 2024 January
Pages 275-276
Warner, Brian D.

Lightcurve Analysis for 17 Near-Earth Asteroids Observed between 2009 and 2024
Pages 277-289
Birtwhistle, Peter

Collaborative Asteroid Photometry from UAI: 2024 January-March
Pages 289-293
Franco, Lorenzo; Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo; Ruocco, Nello; Fini, Paolo; Betti, Guido; Bacci, Paolo; Maestripieri, Martina; Scarfi, Giulio; Baj, Giorgio; Montigiani, Nico; Mannucci, Massimiliano; Casalnuovo, Giovanni Battista; Iozzi, Marco; Galli, Gianni

Lightcurve Photometry Opportunities: 2024 July-September
Pages 293-297
Warner, Brian D.; Harris, Alan W.; Durech, Josef; Benner, Lance A. M.

In This Issue
Pages 297-298
Warner, Brian D.

copyright©2017-2022 Brian D. Warner. Funding to support this web site was provided by NASA grant NSSC 80NSSC18K0851 prior to 2021 April.