The Minor Planet Bulletin

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The Minor Planet Bulletin is the journal for almost all amateurs and even some professionals for publishing asteroid photometry results, including lightcurves, H-G parameters, color indexes, and shape/spin axis models. It is considered to be a refereed journal by the SAO/NASA ADS. All MPB papers are indexed in the ADS.

Print subscriptions are no longer available to individuals. Institutions (e.g., college libraries) can still obtain print copies via a special subscription. See details in MPB 37-4 or contact the editor, Richard Binzel.

Annual voluntary contributions of $5.00 or more in support of the publication are welcome.
Please send a check, drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. funds, to "Minor Planet Bulletin" and send it to:

Minor Planet Bulletin
c/o Melissa Hayes-Gehrke
UMD Astronomy Department
1113 PSC Bldg 415
College Park, MD 20742

Authors Guide and Word Templates   (v.3.0: updated 2024 February 2)
The ZIP file contains the Authors Guide PDF as well as a "starter" paper in Word 2007+ (DOTX).
Those using Word 97 (DOC/DOT) are encouraged to download OpenOffice and convert their files to the most recent Word format (DOCX).
Please read this updated guide since there are a number of changes from previous guides.
  • A new, optional, table is available for those wanting to include physical and discovery information
    in a more accessible way.
    See the announcement in Minor Planet Bulletin 51-2.
  • The Pts column is no longer required and has been removed from the template for the standard table
    to allow more room for the other columns.
  • The phase column should have only two values: for the first and last date in the range.
    If the phase reaches an extrema between those dates, put an asterisk before the first value. For example,
  • Use semicolons to separate names in the references section. For example:
       Smith, J.J.; Jones, A.A. (2019).
    This also applies if using several references to the same author in the text. For example:
    "This asteroid was observed at three previous apparitions (Jones, 2015; 2017; 2018)..."

Cumulative Index to Volumes 1-45
Cumulative Asteroid Lightcurve Index (Volumes 1 through 51-2)

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Issues for the upcoming quarter-year are released on about the 21st of March, June, September, and December. Full issues and individual papers from vol 1 (1973) to present are available via links on this page.

Important: If the ADS bibcode and "Download PDF" links are missing for the latest issue, it is because the ADS has not processed the files. The links will be made available after the ADS processes the files.
If the "Download PDF" link is visible and there is no PDF available, clicking the link will download an arbitrary page. We are working with ADS to make sure all papers are available and, if not, being able to diasable the link. The "Download Full Issue" link does retrieve the correct file.

Vol 1-7 run Jul-Jun. Vol 8-present run Jan-Dec. Only papers indexed in the ADS are included. Earlier volumes often contain more papers than listed here. It's recommended to download the full issue in vol 1-9.

Volume 52 (2025)

Volume 51 (2024)

Volume 50 (2023)

Volume 49 (2022)

Volume 48 (2021)

Volume 47 (2020)

Volume 46 (2019)

Volume 45 (2018)

Volume 44 (2017)

Volume 43 (2016)

Volume 42 (2015)

Volume 41 (2014)

Volume 40 (2013)

Volume 39 (2012)

Volume 38 (2011)

Volume 37 (2010)

Volume 36 (2009)

Volume 35 (2008)

Volume 34 (2007)

Volume 33 (2006)

Volume 32 (2005)

Volume 31 (2004)

Volume 30 (2003)

Volume 29 (2002)

Volume 28 (2001)

Volume 27 (2000)

Volume 26 (1999)

Volume 25 (1998)

Volume 24 (1997)

Volume 23 (1996)

Volume 22 (1995)

Volume 21 (1994)

Volume 20 (1993)

Volume 19 (1992)

Volume 18 (1991)

Volume 17 (1990)

Volume 16 (1989)

Volume 15 (1988)

Volume 14 (1987)

Volume 13 (1986)

Volume 12 (1985)

Volume 11 (1984)

Volume 10 (1983)

Volume 9 (1982)

Volume 8 (1981)

Volume 7 (1980)

Volumes 6-7 (1979)

Volumes 5-6 (1978)

Volumes 4-5 (1977)

Volumes 3-4 (1976)

Volumes 2-3 (1975)

Volumes 1-2 (1974)

Volume 1 (1973)

Issue 50-4 (2023 Oct-Dec)
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Show abstracts

The Lightcurve and Rotation Period for 268 Adorea and (16735) 1996 JJ
Pages 247-248
Hawley, Wayne
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Lightcurve period and amplitude results from Old Orchard Observatory are reported for 2022 January-May, 268 Adorea (7.7952 ± 0.0008 h and 0.285 mag). 2023 April-May, (16735) 1996 JJ (3.1796 ± 0.0008 h and 0.436 mag).

Rotation Period Determination for Asteroid 8861 Jenskandler
Pages 248-249
Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa; O’Keefe, Ross; Iyasu, Temesghen; Miller, Clay; Han, David; Wyatt, Josh; Dunlop, Connor; Alberg, Kevin; Marchionini, Ethan; Patel, Jainam; Pappu, Anirudh; Hamid Nassehi; Galdies, Charles
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Photometric observations of the asteroid 8861 Jenskandler were conducted between 2023 April 14 and 2023 April 26 with the objective of estimating its rotation period. The preliminary rotation period was approximated at 2.9992 +/- 0.0019 hours. However, due to insufficient data, we were unable to ascertain the asteroid's lightcurve shape conclusively.

Rotation Period Determination of 3214 Makarenko
Pages 250
Dellamura, Gregory; Frueh, Elliot; Green, Alexander; Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa; Kim, Amy; Leone, Sage; Ose, Evelyn; Pang, Carol; Ramsland, Jason; Reed, Maggie; Simmons, Matthew; Sumesh, Sandra; Mercado, Ehani Lai Taylor; Brincat, Stephen M.
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We report observations of the main-belt asteroid 3214 Makarenko in April 2023. Our results show P = 10.114 ± 0.015 h with an amplitude of 0.10 ± 0.04 mag.

Lightcurve Analysis and Rotation Period Determination of Asteroid 1821 Aconcagua
Pages 251
Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa; Richman, Alex; Sorkin, Neil; Wilson, George; Yang, Jerry; Hill, Keith; Jiang, Jeff; Joon, Yash; Nguyen, Colin; Price, Aaron; Sawai, Nobukazu; Trauger, James; Galdies, Charles
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Lightcurve analysis was conducted on data from observations of main-belt asteroid 1821 Aconcagua between 2023 April 13 and 2023 April 26. Images were taken using two telescopes in Siding Spring, Australia and Naxxar, Malta. MPO Canopus was used for the data analysis, resulting in a rotation period determination of 2.7573 ± 0.0018 h, with amplitude 0.13 ± 0.02 mag.

Rotation Period Determination and Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroid 1852 Carpenter
Pages 252-253
Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa; Byun, Sami; Dhruv, Aylah; Han, Eric; Jacobs, Aliza; Kalbhor, Harshita; Mills, Brianna; Park, Daniel; Saeed, Sinwan; Stanfield, Kyle; Westfall, Rex; Wright, Emily; Zelensky, Barbara; Mifsud, Martin
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We report on photometric observations of the main-belt asteroid 1852 Carpenter that were acquired from 2023 April 13 to April 26. The observations yielded a synodic rotation period of 29.8685 ± 0.0185h and an amplitude of 0.41 ± 0.06 mag.

Photometry and Lightcurve Analysis of Vesta Family Asteroid (14645) 1998 XR9
Pages 253
Fauerbach, Michael
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Photometric observations of the Vesta family asteroid (14645) 1998 XR9 were obtained, and a rotational period of 2.837 ± 0.001 h was determined, with a lightcurve amplitude of 0.28 mag.

Rotation Period Determination for Asteroid 5355 Akihiro
Pages 254
Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo
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Photometric observations of the main-belt asteroid 5355 Akihiro were conducted to determine its synodic rotation period. We found P = 2.983 ± 0.002 h, A = 0.13 ± 0.04 mag as the most likely bimodal solution.

A New Lightcurve of 357 Ninina
Pages 255-256
Pilcher, Frederick; Franco, Lorenzo; Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo; Scarfi, Giulio; Iozzi, Marco; Ruocco, Nello; Bacci, Paolo; Maestripieri, Martina; Montigiani, Nico; Mannucci, Massimiliano
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An international collaboration of observers from North America and Europe presents a lightcurve of the Earth commensurate asteroid 357 Ninina that shows a synodic rotation period 36.00 ± 0.01 hours, amplitude 0.08 ± 0.01 magnitudes with a single deep minimum in an otherwise nearly flat lightcurve.

Lightcurves Analysis of Three Main-Belt Asteroids: 3602 Lazzaro, 10468 Itacuruba and (53437) 1999 WL2
Pages 256-257
Monteiro, Filipe; Rondón, Eduardo; Arcoverde, Plícida; Lazzaro, Daniela; Rodrigues, Teresinha; Souza, Roberto; Silva-Cabrera, J. S.; Medeiros, Hissa
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We present rotational lightcurves for three main-belt asteroids, 3602 Lazzaro, 10468 Itacuruba and (53437) 1999 WL2, obtained at the Observatório Astronômico do Sertão de Itaparica (OASI, MPC code Y28). For 3602 Lazzaro, we found a rotation period of 4.933 ± 0.002 h, for 10468 Itacuruba a period of 13.040 ± 0.002 h and for (53437) 1999 WL2 a period of 8.573 ± 0.004 h.

Rotation Periods for 2707 Ueferji and (23552) 1994 NB
Pages 258
Loera-González, P.A.; Olguín, L.; Saucedo, J.C.; Contreras, M.E.; Nuñez-López, R.; Domínguez-González, Rafael; Cortez, R.A.
2023MPBu...50..258L    Download PDF

We present photometric optical lightcurves and derived rotation periods for a sample of two asteroids: 2707 Ueferji (P = 5.2515 ± 0.0295 h) and (23552) 1994 NB (3.628 ± 0.001 h). Observations were carried out at the Observatorio Astronómico Carl Sagan (OACS) of the Universidad de Sonora in Hermosillo, México.

Asteroid Photometry of Seven Asteroids
Pages 259-262
Colazo, Milagros; Ciancia, Giuseppe; Melia, Raúl; Scotta, Damián; Wilberger, Aldo; Suárez, Néstor; Monteleone, Bruno; Fornari, César; García, Alberto; Speranza, Tiago; Ortiz, Axel; Santos, Francisco; Morales, Mario; Scotta, Damián; Cintes, Gerardo; Maese, Francisco; Núñez, Julio; Stechina, Ariel; Mottino, Aldo; Colazo, Carlos
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Synodic rotation periods and amplitudes are reported for: 957 Camelia, 1030 Vitja, 1135 Colchis, 1903 Adzhimushkaj, (97034) 1999 UK7 A and B components, (97514) 2000 DL1, and (199145) 2005 YY128.

Lightcurves for Koronis Family Objects (2498) Tsesevich and (2742) Gibson
Pages 262-263
Wilkin, Francis P.; Djoroeva, Aydana; Qureshi, Shams; Wright, Gavin
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We present lightcurves for (2498) Tsesevich and (2742) Gibson during 2022. Observations of Tsesevich made at the Union College Observatory are consistent with the previous period (Wilkin and Schechter, 2022). Observations of Gibson on two nights at Chi-4 yielded a partial lightcurve which we combined with ATLAS sparse survey data to obtain a doubly-periodic composite with period 20.60±0.01 h.

Collaborative Asteroid Photometry from UAI: 2023 April-June
Pages 264-266
Franco, Lorenzo; Iozzi, Marco; Ruocco, Nello; Bacci, Paolo; Maestripieri, Martina; Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo; Baj, Giorgio; Coffano, Alessandro; Marinello, Wladimiro; Fini, Paolo; Betti, Guido; Scarfi, Giulio; Montigiani, Nico; Mannucci, Massimiliano
2023MPBu...50..264F    Download PDF

Photometric observations of five asteroids were made in order to acquire lightcurves for shape/spin axis modeling. Synodic periods and lightcurve amplitudes were found for 1166 Sakuntala, 1929 Kollaa, 3443 Leetsungdao, and 2020 DB5. We also found color indices for 294 Felicia, 1166 Sakuntala, and 2020 DB5.

Lightcurves, H-G Curves and Color Indices for Three Minor Planets
Pages 267-270
Polakis, Tom
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Photometric measurements were made for three mainbelt asteroids based on CCD observations made from 2023 April through June. Phased lightcurves are presented, followed by phase-slope parameter analyses based on 30 nights of data. Three color indices were computed for each asteroid. All the lightcurve data have been submitted to the ALCDEF database.

Lightcurve Analysis for Seventeen Main-Belt and Two Mars-Crossing Asteroid
Pages 271-277
Fornas, Gonzalo; Carreño, Alfonso; Arce, Enrique; Brines, Pedro; Lozano, Juan
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Photometric observations of seventeen main-belt asteroids and two Mars-crossers were obtained between 2014 and 2019. We derived the following rotational periods: 174 Phaedra, 5.7396 ± 0.0029 h; 218 Bianca, 6.3380 ± 0.0005 h; 267 Tirza, 7.662 ± 0.003 h; 375 Ursula, 16.89839 ± 0.00024 h; 398 Admete, 20.991 ± 0.002 h; 1013 Tombecka, 6.04933 ± 0.00037 h; 1135 Colchis, 23.416 ± 0.007 h; 1795 Woltjer, 13.2574 ± 0.0034 h; 2078 Nanking, 6.4599 ± 0.0001 h; 2947 Kippenhahn, 10.952 ± 0.001 h; 3637 O’Meara, 5.7967 ± 0.0008 h; 3977 Maxine, 3.10 ± 0.01 h; 3999 Aristarchus, 12.6087 ± 0.0108 h; 4775 Hansen, 3.12349± 0.00004 h; 6729 Emiko, 3.1335 ± 0.0005 h; 6979 Shigefumi, 11.9455 ± 0.0023 h; (7774) 1992 UU2, 3.86752 ± 0.00017 h; 9956 Castellaz, 2.3903 ± 0.0017 h; and (28892) 2000 LZ2, 10.787 ± 0.003 h.

Lightcurves and Synodic Rotation Periods for 23 Asteroids from Sopot Astronomical Observatory: 2022 October – 2023 July
Pages 278-283
Benishek, Vladimir
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Lightcurve and synodic rotation period results were derived using photometric data for 23 asteroids obtained at the Sopot Astronomical Observatory in the time span 2022 October – 2023 July.

Lightcurves of Thirteen Asteroids
Pages 284-290
Dose, Eric V.
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We present lightcurves and synodic rotation periods for thirteen asteroids measured in the first half of 2023.

Rotation Period and Lightcurve Determination for Fourteen Minor Planets
Pages 290-294
Wiles, Mike
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Photometric measurements of fourteen main-belt asteroids were conducted from 2023 February through 2023 May. Phased lightcurves and rotation periods for each one are presented here. Eight of the asteroids have no prior published period solutions. All lightcurve data has been submitted to the ALCDEF database.

Lightcurve Analysis for Four Near-Earth Asteroids Observed April-June 2023
Pages 295-300
Birtwhistle, Peter
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Lightcurves and amplitudes for four small near-Earth asteroids observed from Great Shefford Observatory during close approaches between April and June 2023 are reported. All are fast rotators with dominant periods shorter than 10 minutes and two are identified as having tumbling rotation.

Lightcurves and Colors of Four Small Near-Earth Asteroids: 2020 BV14, 2023 HH3, 2023 HT3, 2023 KQ
Pages 300-303
Eluo, Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya; Hergenrother, Carl W.
2023MPBu...50..300E    Download PDF

Photometric observations of four small, potentially fastrotating near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) were conducted in April and May 2023. Lightcurves for three NEAs and BVRI colors for all four NEAs are reported. A relative reflectance was computed and compared with observed asteroid spectra (from SMASS and SMASSII) for each asteroid. Also, the comparison was performed with lab spectra of meteorites from the Brown University Reflectance Experiment Laboratory.

Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies Palmer Divide Station: 2023 May-July
Pages 304-313
Warner, Brian D.
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CCD photometric observations of twenty asteroids were made at the Center for Solar System Studies Palmer Divide Station during 2023 May and July. Data analysis found two likely binary asteroids: 2449 Kenos and (236716) 2007 FV42. Hungaria asteroids 3225 Hoag and 4232 Aparicio have unexplained secondary periods, and the near-Earth asteroid (467336) 2002 LT38 is very likely to be in non-principal axis rotation, i.e., it is a tumbler.

Lightcurves and Rotation Periods of 102 Miriam, 126 Velleda, 294 Felicia, 547 Praxedis, 716 Berkeley, 1166 Sakuntala, and 2535 Hameenlinna
Pages 313-317
Pilcher, Frederick
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Synodic rotation periods and lightcurve amplitudes at their year 2023 oppositions are found for 102 Miriam 23.618 ± 0.002 hours, 0.11 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 126 Velleda 5.3674 ± 0.0001 hours, 0.20 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 294 Felicia 10.426 ± 0.001 hours, 0.15 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 547 Praxedis 9.104 ± 0.002 hours, 0.06 ± 0.02 magnitudes; 716 Berkeley 15.580 ± 0.001 hours, 0.16 ± 0.02 magnitudes; 1166 Sakuntala 6.2912 ± 0.0002 hours, 0.21 ± 0.01 magnitudes; 2535 Hameenlinna 3.2312 ± 0.0002 hours, 0.10 ± 0.02 magnitudes. For 102 Miriam, V-R = 0.36, H = 9.32, G = 0.21. For 126 Velleda, V-R = 0.49, H = 9.40, G = 0.21.

Lightcurve Photometry Opportunities: 2023 October-December
Pages 317-321
Warner, Brian D.; Harris, Alan W.; Durech, J.; Benner, L. A. M.
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We present lists of asteroid photometry opportunities for objects reaching a favorable apparition and have no or poorly-defined lightcurve parameters. Additional data on these objects will help with shape and spin axis modeling using lightcurve inversion. The “Radar-Optical Opportunities” section includes a list of potential radar targets as well as some that might be in critical need of astrometric data.

Index to Volume 50
Pages 322-324
Sada, Pedro A. Valdés
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Listing of papers published in Volume 50 of the Minor Planet Bulletin

In This Issue
Pages 325
Warner, Brian D.
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This list gives those asteroids in this issue for which physical observations (excluding astrometric only) were made. This includes lightcurves, color index, and H-G determinations, etc. In some cases, no specific results are reported due to a lack of or poorquality data. The page number is for the first page of the paper mentioning the asteroid. EP is the “go to page” value in the electronic version.

copyright©2017-2022 Brian D. Warner. Funding to support this web site was provided by NASA grant NSSC 80NSSC18K0851 prior to 2021 April.